Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sourdough pancakes

I have a sourdough starting going which yields a cup of starter a day. Some days I'm not up for baking, so sourdough pancakes are in order. Today I added 1 cup of starter to 1 cup of my pancake mix, and egg, a splash of orange juice, some cocoa nibs, a half cup of toasted almond meal, and a quarter cup of warm milk. Let the batter sit for half an hour. Then fried them up.

Sourdough pancakes with Peaches & Scream and Lemon Curd
The mix made four large cakes and three little ones. I heated up some lemon curd with a splash of lemon juice to use as the syrup. I tried some Peaches & Scream that I just picked up at the farmers market from Rose City Pepperheads on one of the cakes and it was pretty tasty too.

Sharon didn't think the cocoa nibs filled the role that chocolate chips would have. 

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