Monday, November 14, 2011


On a chilly morning I like to make fruioatmeal (pronounced FROHT-meel) which is my name for oatmeal made with fruit and nut meal. 

For today's batch I started by boiling 2 1/2 cups water with a little salt. While that is coming to a boil I gather my ingredients: 1 1/2 cups old fashioned rolled oats, a mason jar lid (1/2 cup?) of almond meal, a lid full of raisins, another lid full of dried cranberries, and one apple peeled and diced.

I toast the almond meal over low heat in a large dry skillet. Once the water is boiling, add the oats and cook for 5 minutes, adding the almond meal once it gives off a good toasty aroma. I dusted the apples with brown sugar and some fresh ground nutmeg and nuked them in the microwave for a minute. When the 5 minutes are done on the oats and almond meal, turn off the heat and add in the apple mixture, raisins, and cranberries. Cover and let mellow for a couple minutes then dish up with a splash of milk and serve.

Serves two adults, one dog, one parrot, and three chickens.

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