Saturday, February 9, 2013

Quick lunch Potatoes, Turkey, Brussels Sprouts

I was having a low-energy day, but needed to throw together a quick lunch.

Rummaging around in the fridge and putting the microwave to work reheating in parallel with a quick sauté produced a quite tasty ensemble in 10-steps.

  • Step 1: Yesterday, remove and trim outside leaves from a stalk of Brussels Sprouts. Soak for a while the realize you don't have the energy or inclination to make anything with them, drained and dejected, drain  them and put in the fridge to deal with "some other time"....

  • Step 2: Stay up way too late even though you are fighting off a cold. Wake up fully symptomatic with no energy and only the lingering recollection that you'd be better off making something to eat than spending the day scavenging what is at hand.

  • Step 3: Open the fridge to discover you have leftover mashed potatoes from when you made shepherd's pie, and see those Brussels Sprouts staring at you, all packed full of nutrients, taunting you.

  • Step 4: While reheating the potatoes, pull out some cooked turkey breast, BBQ sauce, and minced garlic. Toss these together in a bowl. Fluff the potatoes and continue to heat them and the turkey mixture in separate bowls. 

  • Step 5: Confront your inner anxieties surrounding Brussels Sprouts

  • Step 6: Heat some wok oil and walnut oil over medium-high heat. Mix up a braising liquid of lemon juice and soy sauce, reserve for later. Quickly sauté sprouts tossing or stirring just often enough to prevent burning (you want a little browning).   

  • Step 7: Add the braising liquid to the sprouts, cover, turn down heat a little. 

  • Step 8: Turn your attention back to the potatoes. Divide potatoes into bowls with a depression in the middle. Glop in the BBQ turkey mixture. 

  • Step 9: Once the sprouts just start to get fork-tender, put them over the the turkey/potato stuff.

  • Step 10: Garnish with a dollop of sour cream, if you are into that, which I am.
Total time: 7 minutes

Turned out as a nice lunch on a winter day. 

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